Two maps, one a ward-by-ward view of how London voted on Dismayday 2008 (original source), the other a ward-by-ward map of deprivation in the capital (source). Who says political affiliation isn't about class any more?
It would be interesting to see how the BNP vote corresponds to variables like deprivation. My guess is they do best in the immediately adjacent areas where people feel threatened by what they (think they) see next door. Surprising how much Labour's votes still corresponds with ppoverty.
There is some analysis of other parties' voting on the website I linked to, but no ward-by-ward maps (it must have been a huge amount of work to produce this one). I'm not sure you're right about BNP support - they seem to be doing increasingly well where there are high levels of deprivation and predominantly white populations.
There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All information is imperfect. We have to treat it with humility - Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man
is a London-based writer and editor who gave up blogging several years ago because he wanted to get out more. This year he might be getting out too much because he's doing a '2012 miles in 2012' Olympic-year challenge for various charities and in memory of his dad. He was persuaded, belatedly, to blog about it.
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It would be interesting to see how the BNP vote corresponds to variables like deprivation. My guess is they do best in the immediately adjacent areas where people feel threatened by what they (think they) see next door. Surprising how much Labour's votes still corresponds with ppoverty.
There is some analysis of other parties' voting on the website I linked to, but no ward-by-ward maps (it must have been a huge amount of work to produce this one). I'm not sure you're right about BNP support - they seem to be doing increasingly well where there are high levels of deprivation and predominantly white populations.
"it must have been a huge amount of work to produce this one"
Yes and no. Making the map itself took a while but was quite fun, downloading and working with the data on the other hand... ach.
I take it Henley does not know what deprivation is? Still Labour in 5th place is a poor show isnt it?
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